Cross out singles
Players use a dice to fill in the squares, they then add the rows, columns and diagonal. Numbers that are shown once are to be crossed out. The winner has the highest final score.
- Practice logical thinking
- Practice addition
- Dices
- Print or draw these Cross out singles boards
How to play:
1. One player rolls the dice
2. BOTH players write the number in one of the squares in their grid
3. Another player rolls the dice
4. BOTH players write the number on their grid
5. Continue until all squares are filled
1. Add up the numbers in rows, columns and diagonal and write
them in the circles
2. Any answer that is shown once, must be crossed out
3. Add up all the other answers to get a total
4. Then work out final score using the guidelines
5. Play 2 more games
6. Add up all your scores