Find arrays
Learners identify the arrays in the pictures and complete the tables on each activity sheet .
- Identify Arrays in order to understand Multiplication.
How to play:
Sheet #1
- How many animals altogether on the page? (Encourage the learners to add up the totals for all the animals, including the frog)
- How many insects altogether on the page? (Encourage the learners to add up the totals for all the insects)
- Can you find a quick way to work out how many human legs there are on the page? How many monkey / frogs / chicken / ant legs?
Sheet #2
- What is the same about each array on this page? (Looking for a connection that each one has two rows)
- How much fruit altogether on the page? (Encourage the learners to add up the totals for all the fruit items)
- Can you find a quick way to work out how many wheels there are on the page?
- Can you find a quick way to work out how many eyes (human, animal and insect) there are on the page?